Teja Reba

Teja Reba has been working professionally in the field of contemporary art and culture since 2002.
She is the author and co-author of 30 artistic projects, which she has presented at Slovenian and international venues, biennials and festivals and for which she has received several awards.
As the director of the City of Women (2015 - 2021) she curated the International Festival of Contemporary Art 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, conceived the WOW 2021 festival and co-created the multi-year projects What Drives us, Performing Gender - DMD, Musica Femina, Women on Women, BePart, ActArt, BurnOutAid, Power, Performing gender - DIYS with international partners. She has launched the online archive Network Museum, a specialised library for contemporary art and feminism, the annual publication Reflections, the cultural-art education programme EveryDay8March, S(v)odobnost, the Open Doors Week and the project Guidelines for Gender Equality in Culture. During her mandate, the City of Women has been awarded the Princess Margriet Prize by the European Cultural Foundation and has twice won the EFFE Label for the highest quality festivals in Europe.
As an external expert at the Rog Centre, she led the Gender Equality and Diversity Team (2021-2022). As Artistic Director of the European Capital of Culture LJ 2025 candidature, she worked with the Municipality of Ljubljana (2020 - 2021). She was Vice-Chair of the Dialogue Group for Sustainable Dialogue with NGOs at the Ministry of Culture (2019 - 2020), member of the Board of the Prešeren Fund at the Ministry of Culture (2014 - 2016), and President of the Association for Contemporary Dance of Slovenia (2013 - 2016). She is Vice-Chair of the Expert Commission for Performing Arts at the Ministry of Culture (2022 - ), member of the Working Group for the Development of Contemporary Dance at the Ministry of Culture (2023 - ), member of the Board of the Slovenian Contemporary Dance Association and Acting Director of the Gibanica Biennial (2023 - ).

More on https://koreografski.info/en/teja_reba/