10. October 2009


In her performance Nomadness, Karima Mansour employs a paradoxical, metaphorical allegory about planting a tree in the desert – she thus addresses issues of identity and conflict. In a symbolic way she examines her own position as a dancer and choreographer, and her stubborn persistence on her independence. Karima Mansour understands dance as a medium of reflection of social and cultural values, and as a space for a different reflection of identity. Personal and social stories sprout through the dance, as well as questions and examinations of communal and social meanings that personally touch every audience member. The dance choreographies, a result of careful conceptual reflection and based on sincere excitement regarding the theme, require and call for reflection on every step and move, and they are fond of potential subjectivity.

Concept, choreography, performer, costume design: Karima Mansour; Video: Alia El Bialy; Light Design: Saad Samir, Luis Ferreira; Video, sound: Willy Dupin; Production: Centre choregraphique national d'Orleans, Centre choregraphique national de Tours, Halle aux grains-scene nationale de Blois, Companie Maat/le Caire; Organization: City of Women; In collaboration with: the Old Power Station - SMEEL

Karima Mansour will hold a two day master class on Monday, 12th and Tuesday, 13th October, from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. in Dance Theatre Ljubljana (PTL). Participation fee before 30th September: €30, after 30th September: €40. Number of participants is limited. For professional dancers only. Application at: info@emanat.si until 11th October.

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