Ni časa za umetnost 0.1.

Del serije Ni časa za
0.1. je preplet osebnih
izkušenj treh oseb, primerjava policijskega in vojaškega nasilja in krivic pred
egiptovsko revolucijo in po njej. Mlad slep glasbenik, pričanje mladega
zapornika, ki mu je glas dala njegova sestra, in mlad igralec kot eden
pripovedujejo svoje zgodbe. Performerji dopolnjujejo in trgajo pripovedne niti,
ki so naključno stkane okrog nasilne aretacije dveh zapornikov: enega oktobra
2007 in drugega marca 2011.
Scena je minimalistična, moč prihaja iz besed natančno
krojenih pričevanj. Silina preplavlja in gane.
V tem sporu med pred- in porevolucionarnem sta si nemoč in
odpor brutalno blizu.
V ozadju utripa televizijski program državne televizije.
Blagoslovljen uspeh vojske nad »Kriminalci, ki terorizirajo
skupnost«. (Laila Soliman)

Koncept in režija:
Laila Soliman, Sherin Hegazy, Zainab Magdy, Mina El Naggar, Mustafa Said; Po pričevanjih: Aly Sobhy, Sherif
Hegazy, Mustafa Said; Produkcija, luč in
video: Ruud Gielens.

Predstava bo potekala v arabskem jeziku z angleškimi podnapisi.

Organizacija: Mesto žensk; V sodelovanju: Stara mestna
elektrarna – Elektro Ljubljana.

Cena: 7€, 5€ (dijaki, študentje in upokojenci ob
predložitvi dokazila ter samozaposleni v kulturi), vstop prost za brezposelne.
Cena vstopnice je enotna in velja za oba sobotna performansa.


Laila Soliman - No Time for Art 0.1.

2011 / 60' – 80'

This part of the No Time for Art series intercuts three first-hand testimonies, comparing police and military violence and injustice before and after the Egyptian Revolution. A young blind musician, a young prisoner’s testimony given voice by his sister, and a young actor tell their stories as one.

The performers complement and split plot threads, which are randomly spun around the brutal arrest of two prisoners: one in October 2007, the other in March 2011.

The setting is minimalistic; the power comes from the words of the precisely cut testimonies. The density overwhelms and moves. Powerlessness and resistance lie, in this dispute between pre- and post-revolutionary brutality, close to each other. In the background, the state-TV channel flickers.
Blessed is the success of the military over the “Criminals who have terrorized the community.” (Laila Soliman)

Concept & Direction: Laila Soliman, Sherin Hegazy, Zainab Magdy, Mina El Naggar, Mustafa Said Based on testimonies by: Aly Sobhy, Sherif Hegazy, Mustafa Said Production, Lights & Video: Ruud Gielens 

Performed in Arabic with English subtitles.

Organisation: City of Women; In collaboration with: Old Power Station – Elektro Ljubljana