4. oktober 2014

Mirel Wagner

»Zrak otrpne, ko človek posluša glasbo Mirel Wagner. Zvok kitarskih strun je kot topel veter, ki nosi s sabo zrna peska in okosteni vse, s čimer pride v stik; njen glas je, kot bi prihajal iz drugega časa, zakopan stoletja, tako intimen, da človeka duši. Ne samo pust, neformalen nastop, ampak tudi vsebina.

Samomor, smrt, nekrofilija … Boleča iskrenost v No Death, pesmi z njenega prvega albuma z naslovom Mirel Wagner: »Premikam boke/V njej sem doma/Še naprej bom ljubila/Dokler se mozeg ne bo posušil v njenih kosteh/Ni je smrti/Ki bi naju ločila«. To je glasba, ob kateri se boste zdrznili in zgrabili za vrat, kot bi vam nekaj onemogočalo dihanje; glasba, ki je prav toliko telesna kot čustvena.

Čeprav je še vedno v zgodnjih dvajsetih, se zdi, da ta mlada finska glasbenica ne sodi v ta čas. Njena mešanica jazza, folka in bluesa črpa navdih v začetku 20. stoletja. Na njenem glasbenem prvencu sta bila glas in kitara, zelo samozadostna plošča v razpoloženju, ki nikoli ne omahuje – in na albumu številka dve When the Cellar Children See the Light of Day ni nič bistveno drugače …« – Andrew Hannah za The Line Of Best Fit, avg. 2014

»...redke, prepričljivo gotske, spolno subverzivne zgodbe o smrti« (Mojo, ****)
» ...močna, poetična, z odmevom nevarnosti … « (Uncut, ****)
“... Mirel Wagner poseduje v svojih liričnih zaklinjanjih in samozavestni spretnosti igranja kitare redko telesnost, kar skupaj deluje prepoznavno, posebno in osebno tudi v primerjavi z desetletji akustične folk glasbe pred njenim časom …« (Pitchfork)

Organizacija: Mesto žensk; V sodelovanju: Menza pri koritu – AKC Metelkova.


Cena: 10 €, 7 € (dijaki, študentje, brezposelni, upokojenci, samozaposleni v kulturi, invalidi).


Mirel Wagner


“The air dries out when you listen to Mirel Wagner. Her sparse guitar
strums are like a warm wind carrying particles of sand, ossifying
whatever it comes into contact with; the voice, one that feels from
another time, buried for centuries, is so intimate it suffocates. Not
just the dry, informal delivery but also the subject matter.

death, necrophilia… just look at the disturbing honesty in ‘No Death’, a
song from Wagner’s 2011 debut Mirel Wagner: ‘I move my hips/In her I am
home/I’ll keep on loving/Till the marrow dries from her bones/No
death/Can tear us apart.’ This is music that will make you flinch and
reach for your throat as if something is stopping you from breathing,
physical music as much as it is emotional.

Still in her early
twenties, this young Finnish musician feels just ever so slightly out of
time. Her style of jazz, folk and blues is drawn from the early 20th
century; her self-titled debut wasn’t constructed from much other than
her voice and guitar, very much a self-contained record with a mood that
never wavers – and little has changed on album number two, When the
Cellar Children See the Light of Day [...]” – Andrew Hannah, for The
Line of Best Fit, Aug. 2014

“...sparse, convincingly gothic, gender-flipping tales of the macabre...” (Mojo, ****)
“...stark, poetic, with an echo of danger...” (Uncut, ****)
Wagner possesses a curious physicality both in her lyrical conjurings
and in the confident agility of her guitar playing, which together sound
distinctive, specific, and personal even when considered against the
decades of acoustic folk music that has come before...” (Pitchfork)

Organisation: City of Women; In collaboration with: Menza Pri Koritu – AKC Metelkova
