Maja Šorli

Maja Šorli is an advisor and pedagogue, playwright and dramaturg. She also studies psychodrama. She graduated in psychology from the Faculty of Arts of the University of Ljubljana (2003) and obtained her PhD in 2011 with her thesis Vloga besedila v slovenskem postdramskem gledališču (The Role of Text in Slovenian Postdramatic Theatre), thus finishing her studies in dramaturgy at the Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television of the University of Ljubljana. In 2014, she published her first scientific monograph entitled Slovenska postdramska pomlad (Slovenian Postdramatic Spring). In 2014, she worked on an audience research project in England, implemented by the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, University of London. She was a member of the art group PreGlej. Between 2015 and 2019, she was also the editor-in-chief of the magazine Amfiteater. In 2021, her debut drama Tega okusa še niste poskusili (You Haven’t Tasted This Yet) won the Slavko Grum Award for best Slovenian drama text.