Pia Brezavšček

Pia Brezavšček

Pia Brezavšček is a doctoral candidate at the Humanities and Social Sciences Doctoral Programme at the University of Ljubljana. Since 2013 she has been self-employed in the field of culture as a dance and performance critic and a theatre researcher. Since 2008 she has contributed to Radio StudentVečerDeloSiGledalMentorTribunaDialogiEkranKino!Maska and the scientific journals Družboslovne razprave and Performance Research, among other publications. She was also the co-editor of the first two issues of the ŠUM journal for contemporary art. She is a dance, performance and theatre critic at the newspaper Dnevnik. In 2013 she was awarded the Ksenija Hribar award for dance criticism. She worked as a dramaturg and co-authored several theatre pieces, most recently the sound play Ideal (M)other. She is the president of the Slovenian Contemporary Dance Association. Since 2019 she has been co-editing (with Alja Lobnik) the performing arts journal Maska and the online platform www.neodvisni.art.