Ana Peraica

Ana Peraica holds a PhD in aesthetics of photography. After graduating from the University of Zagreb in the fields of art history and philosophy, she became a researcher in art theory at the Jan Van Eyck Akademie, Maastricht, where she was awarded the UNESCO -IFPC; in parallel, she undertook a three-year doctorate course in cultural analysis, theory and interpretation at ASCA, University of Amsterdam, and defended her thesis entitled Photography as Evidence at the University of Rijeka. She is an editor of the reader Ženanaraskrižjuideologija (Split, HULU / Governmental Office for the Equality of Rights Split, 2007), Victims Symptom – PTSD and Culture (Institute for Networked Cultures, Amsterdam, 2009) and author of Sub/versions (Revolver Publishing, 2009). Her essays in the domains of visual studies and media theory continue to be published by many magazines and journals, such as SpringerinPavilionFotografijaAfterimageLeonardo, etc...