
Festival merch 2024! Check out this year's festival merchandise! You can buy it at the event ...
The Association for the Promotion of Women in Culture – City of Women invites you to the ...
Due to cancellations and illness, we are seeking additional participants for the project When the ...
At a special price, you can watch two festival performances in one afternoon on October 8: Songs of ...

In focus


In the first interview, marking the 30th anniversary of the City of Women association, we explore various approaches to feminist curating. We spoke with the first president of the association and the first artistic director of the festival. In 1994, Uršula Cetinski was invited by the Office for ...

Reflecting on the 5th part of the Connecting Lines: International Conference on Ecology, Feminism and Care ; Krater Field Visit Within the framework of the TRACTS and City of Women international conference Connecting Lines: International Conference on Ecology, Feminism and Care, we tried to bring ...


Editor: Tea Hvala Foreword: Svetlana Slapšak Texts: Ana Cergol Paradiž, Manca G. Renko, Tea Hvala ...
Editors : Katja Kobolt in Petja Grafenauer Editorial assistance introduction : Tea Hvala ...
Authors : Marian Lopez Fernandez Cao, Isabella Mileti, Julia Nyikos, Eleonora Schulze-Battmann, Sara ...
Authors : Sara Šabec, Maja Hodošček Graphic design : Ana Cebrián Published by : City of Women - ...

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