Anna Konjetzky

Anna Konjetzky (she/her) works as a choreographer, researcher and facilitator, and she is driven by the desire and need to understand body in its contexts, body as a construction and as a relational piece of being. As Anna Konjetzky & Co she collaborates with a core group of artists on long-term collaborations. Three axes form the core of her artistic universe: One axe is the creating of pieces and works: thinking of these works as a proposal for a dialogue. Second, the artistic research, that started with the nomadic academy founded in 2019 and continues now largely as one of these long-term research formats, working as a platform to unfold questions around queerness, visibility, alliances and care. The last axe is the facilitation of meetings and exchanges, knowledge and practice sharing, and it mainly occurs in the Playground, a space for dialogue and artistic research, which Konjetzky is renting since 2019, and activates as Playground Gbr together with Munich based dance-makers, Sahra Huby, Quindell Orton and Susanne Schneider.