Annie Dorsen

Annie Dorsen is a writer and director who works in theatre, film, and dance. Most recently, her algorithmic music-theater piece Yesterday Tomorrow premiered at the Holland Festival. Her previous algorithm project, A Piece of Work, has been seen in different places in the US and Europe, as well as her first one, Hello Hi There, which premiered at Steirischer Herbst in 2010. In 2012 she made Spokaoke, a participatory karaoke project that uses political and historical speeches in place of pop songs. She collaborated with Anne Juren on Magical in 2010, with Ms. Juren and DD Dorviller on Pièce Sans Paroles. She is the co-creator and the director of the 2008 Broadway musical Passing Strange. Spike Lee made a film of her production of the piece, which premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in 2009.