Bibliothèque Érotique

Bibliothèque Érotique is an international collective, set in Netherlands. Its members are YY (China), Vivi (Netherlands), Lilly Miao and Luscious (both Italy).

Bibliothèque Érotique’s main goal is to create a public – pop-up – library in Amsterdam with a collection of books, films, and recordings in the fields of eroticism, sex, and sexuality. Bibliothèque Érotique finds eroticism, sex and sexuality a crucial, and still somewhat neglected, parts our lives. Therefore, they are dedicated to create a place where people are able to dive into the world of the most subtle poetry and astonishingly vulgar pornographic scenes. By creating such a place, Bibliothèque Érotique also hopes to create more openness for, and interest in, the topics they bring to light, and perhaps even break some taboos which surrounds them.