Clarisse Maylunas

Clarisse Maylunas studied stage design, costume design and exhibition architecture at the University of Fine Arts in Vienna. Her experience covers costume and stage production for theatre, opera, musical and dance productions including operas by Otto M. Zykan, H. K. Gruber, Giorgio Battistelli, Kurt Schwertsik, Christian Muthspiel, Dieter Kaufmann, Gerd Kühr and Claude Michel Schoenberg. She also cooperated with Karl Welunschek, Elena Tschernischowa, Hans Hoffer, Peter Eschberg, Liz King, Elio Gervasi, Ismael Ivo, and has worked in the Vienna State Opera, Graz Opera and on stages in New York, Amsterdam, Rome, Berlin and Paris. She created a range of exhibitions, among them Musica Femina: From Shadow to Light in the Imperial Palace in Vienna. She is currently teaching at the University of Music and performing Arts in Vienna (MDW Wien, Max Reinhardt Seminar).