Dejan Srhoj

DEJAN SRHOJ (1978) is an independent performer in the field of contemporary dance. From 1998 to 2001 he was a ballet soloist in the SNG Opera Ljubljana. Since 2001 he has been a freelance artist. He is a co-founder of Fičo Balet where he has worked as a performer and choreographer. In addition, he has worked as a choreographer in dance-theatre projects with Janez Janša, Ivica Buljan, Sebastjan Horvat, Betontanc, Magdalena Reiter, Silvan Omerzu and various others. In the previous two seasons, he choreographed several theatre performances, participated in improvisational performances, cocreated and organised the CoFestival in Ljubljana and actively participated in the development of programmes of the Nomad Dance Academy network of which he is also a co-founder. In 2008 he graduated from the Open University, London (BA in Humanities)