Éric Fassin

Éric Fassin is a professor of sociology at Paris-8 University (Vincennes – Saint-Denis), with a joint appointment in Political Science and Gender Studies. He is affiliated with the CNRS research center on gender and sexuality LEGS. Both his academic work and his public interventions focus in particular on sexual and racial issues and their intersections. Among his books: Le sexe politique. Genre et sexualité au miroir transatlantique, (éd. EHESS, 2009), Démocratie précaire. Chroniques de la déraison d’État (La Découverte, 2012), Gauche: l’avenir d’une désillusion (Textuel, 2014), and Populisme: le grand ressentiment (Textuel, 2017). In progress: Le genre français (La Découverte, 2018). He has co-edited (with legal scholar Daniel Borrillo), fifteen years after their co-edited volume Au-delà du PaCS (PUF, 1999), a special issue of Contemporary French Civilization: «Au-delà du mariage : de l’égalité des droits à la critique des normes» (2014).