Erre que erre / Mariangeles G. Angulo & Román Torre
Erre que erre is a group of creators and interpreters who develop their work from the creation of and experimentation in new forms and concepts of dance and movement.
Mariangeles García Angulo (1972). After studying for a career in classical dance and playing her first professional roles in the companies of Murcia, in 1993, she travelled to Barcelona to work with the Danat Dansa dance company (Ottepe; Jinete de peixos sobre la ciutat; El cel està enrajolat; and Sota còdols hi ha una salamandra). After leaving Danat Dance in 1996, she began her personal journey with Erre que erre, of which she is a founding member, choreographer and performer. She has also participated occasionally in the productions of other companies, such as La Fura dels Baus and Àngels Margarit/cia. MUDANCES.
Román Torre (1978). He began as a self-taught working artist involved with the design of recycled objects, which then became interactive installations for urban as well as interior designs. After this development, he began linking into projects that combine various disciplines and both digital and analog components, within the frameworks of architecture, lighting, recycling, the Internet, the use of public space and programming visual experiences (plastic installations and interactive installations in movement).