Florentina Holzinger

Florentina Holzinger (AT) lives and works between Amsterdam and Vienna. In her works, she consciously plays with the shifting of boundaries between high culture and entertainment, exploring different modes of female representation and questioning the full potential of female physicality. References to pop culture and a penchant for trash are not forgotten in her works. Since 2011, she has been enriching the international performance scene with her unique works earning her a reputation as one of the “most provocative” new choreographers in Europe. Holzinger won the Prix Jardin d’Europe for her solo Silk at lmPulsTanz in 2012. In addition to her collaborations with Vincent Riebeek, Holzinger also created Recovery as well as Apollon (produced by CAMPO) which is currently touring international stages. She is currently artist in residence at the ICK in Amsterdam.