Grupa Spomenik / Monument Group

Grupa Spomenik / Monument Group (Damir Arsenijević, Ana Bezić, Pavle Levi, Jelena Petrović, Branimir Stojanović, Milica Tomić) is an art-theory group that has been producing public space for a political and critical-ideological discussion of the wars in the Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia and their consequences. It has initiated reading and discussion groups, staged lecture-performances and engaged in self-education through encounters with victims, perpetrators and witnesses of the extreme terror, genocide and ethnic cleansing. Its project Mathemes of Re-association, which commenced in 2008, focuses on the Srebrenica genocide. In the project, Grupa Spomenik examines the conditions under which art can produce its own discourse regarding the genocide and the state of contemporary permanent-war. The Living Death Camps project undertaken together with Forensic Architecture is but one of the many collaborations that GrupaSpomenik has undertaken, and it is based upona unique methodology in which “the group” does not constitute any fixed identity or collective but rather a platform in which every new transformation has the potential to gather and empower different participants and associates. Out of this platform emerged, in 2010, the Working Group Four Faces of Omarska, which continues to investigate the complex vortex of historical dynamics based upon the four faces of the Omarska site in Bosnia and Herzegovina.