Katja Čičigoj

Katja Čičigoj (Sl) is a philosopher currently completing her doctoral studies at the Justus-Liebig University in Giessen, Germany. In 2017 she co-edited a double thematic issue of the journal Dialogi on contemporary women’s movements and theory and gave lectures at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Ljubljana. In 2018 and 2019 she is the co-curator of a series of lectures on women’s movements in cooperation with the City Library of Ljubljana and the society KUD Anarhiv. She contributed to several national media and specialised publications about topics in the humanities and social sciences, film, contemporary art, dance, performance and theatre. She collaborated as dramaturge with choreographers in Ljubljana, Giessen and London (Maja Delak, Ajda Tomažin, Jia Yu Corti). She has translated The Dialectic of Sex by Shulamith Firestone for the /*cf. publishing house.