The Klittens

The Klittens are five musicians on a mission, untrained but unbothered. A band for those who have a knack for happy songs and sad sentiments. Their music is a surprising mix of indie-fuzz and DIY. The result: a repertoire that reaches from dark post-punk to danceable songs about grandma’s.

What initially began as a platform and creative outlet for political ideas blossomed into a group of friends and professional band. Their DIY approach - from songwriting to tour managing - is what makes The Klittens an unpredictable but fun group of friends ready to experience every new step they take.

“For fans of fuzzpop, punk or punk rock, it is a name to notate and to underline firmly. Dutch band The Klittens is rapidly growing and making jumps forward. "Untrained but unbothered," is their motto, but those who manage to put on such a good show without fuss and frills have certainly got it right.”  (The Next Gig, 21 May 2023)
