Laetitia Morais
Laetitia Morais has shown artistic work at events and galleries such as Spoilt (Peacock Art Centre, Aberdeen), Eme (Igreja de Santiago, Palmela; Convento São Bento da Vitória, Porto), Kvitvechir (Kiev), Madeira Dig (Casa das Mudas, Madeira), Sonic Scope (Bomba Suicida; Maria Matos, Lisbon), Storung (La Farinera, Barcelona), Bang! (FBAUL; Galeria Fábrica Features, Lisbon), Audiovisiva (Magazinni Pta. Genova, Milan), Um (Bomba Suicida, Lisbon), Lawine (West Germany, Berlin), Rewire (The Hague), Europejski Stadion Kultury (Market Square, Rzeszów), Bienal de Arte de Cerveira (Cerveira), After Crisis (General Public, Berlin), Mózg (Bydgoszcz), Cynetart (Festspielhaus Hellerau – Dresden), Close (EI, New York) and Elbphilharmonie (Hamburg). The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and FLAD acknowledged her work with the Ernesto de Sousa 2011 Grant, supporting the development of her project Missing for Ten Years at the Experimental Intermedia Foundation in New York. She has also worked as a scenographer for theatre and television productions. Since 2008, she has been teaching in the field of Visual Arts at the College of Education in Coimbra.