Nic Lloyd

NIC LLOYD is a UK born performer and DJ with roots in NZ. He holds a BA in Philosophy from Middlesex University and an MA in Performance & Creative Research from Roehampton University, both in London. His stage career began in 2005 working in collaboration with Swiss based performer/ director/choreographer Simone Aughterlony. Since then he has worked with her on three more of her performance productions, most recently in the duet After Life (2013). Over the last decade he has worked with numerous other choreographers, directors, artists and musicians (including Alexandra Bachzetsis, Salome Schneebeli, Markus Gerber, Phil Hayes, Jonathan Burrows, Tine Van Aerschot, Sandra Strunz, Laura Kalauz, Isabelle Schad, and Julia Schwarzbach). His first public solo work Don’t Judge premiered in Zürich in 2014 and has toured Swiss and Austrian venues in 2014–15.