Nina Dragičević
Nina Dragičević (1984) is a composer, sound artist, and a writer. She holds a master’s degree in Sociology. Nina is the author of four books: a novel Kdo ima druge skrbi (2014), two essayist monographs – Slavne neznane: Zvočne umetnice v konstrukciji družbe (2016, Eng. Famous Unknowns: Women sound artists in construction of society) and Med njima je glasba: Glasba v konstrukciji lezbične scene (2017, Eng. The music between them: Music in construction of lesbian communities) and the poem Ljubav reče greva (2019, Eng. Love Says Let’s Go). Her texts were translated into English, German, Czech, and Spanish. Nina is a member of the Slovenian Writers’ Association. She is the author of numerous electroacoustic compositions and sound installations. In 2016, her album Parallellax (Kamizdat Records) was released, and her second album Ma’am there is no such thing in reality came out in 2019 on the same label. Dragičević is the artistic director of the Topographies of Sound International symposium-festival, co-editor at the Idiot literary magazine, and the author of Famous Unknowns radio show at Radio Študent. In 2018, she received The Knight of Poetry Award – both in Jury Selection and People’s Choice categories –, and was presented a Recognition Award for Outstanding Scholarly Achievements by The University of Ljubljana. In the same year she was a finalist for the Palma Ars Acustica European award (European Broadcasting Union) for her sound piece Parallellax.