Rana Hamadeh

Rana Hamadeh’s works are characterised by engulfing, delirious sonic and visual environments. Her projects evolve over several years, taking manifest form in largescale, immersive sound-based works, audio-visual installations, networked media and machinic “plays”, texts and conversations. Since 2016, she has been developing an “operatic practice,” experimenting with writing and composing, and testing models for collective (and artificially-extended) forms of thinking and study. Her work is dedicated to an ongoing scrutiny of the epistemologies and technologies of justice. Rana Hamadeh is the recipient of the Dutch Prix de Rome (2017); her work has been nominated for the Best Exhibition Award by AICA Nederland (2020). Her most recent solo exhibitions include Standard_Deviation I at the Secession, Vienna (2021) and Standard_Deviation II at Edith-Russ-Haus (2022).