Roshini Kempadoo
Roshini Kempadoo is a digital practitioner.
Her work uses digital technologies to explore visual anthropology, the
contemporary use of photographic archives within network environments, and
mapping colonial history, stories and locations. She also lectures at the University of East London in digital media and has
degrees in visual communication and photographic studies.
A selection of her recent exhibitions
include: Internet and digital print art works: Virtual Exiles http://www. Watermans Arts Centre, London;
Street Level Gallery, Scotland;
and Impressions Gallery, York (2000/01); ‘Future Belonging’ C3, Center for
Communication and Culture, Budapest,
Hungary (2000);
The Future Looms Internet art commission (1998). Digital print exhibitions:
‘Prejudice and Pride’, Pitshanger Art Gallery,
London. (1998)
Transforming the Crown, The Studio Museum, New
York; The 90s: A Family of Man? Forum d’art Contemporain, Luxembourg;
‘Translocations’, The Photographer’s Gallery, London; TechnoSeduction, the Cooper Union Art
Gallery, New York (1997). She has presented her work at many international
conferences including the 11th Annual James Porter Colloquium, Washington DC,
USA, April 2000; ISEA (International Society of Electronic Artists) in 1998
(Liverpool) and 1997 (Chicago). Publications of her art work and writings about
her include: Doy, Gen (2000) Black Visual Culture: Modernity and Postmodernity
IB Tauris, London;
Willis, Deborah (2000) Reflections in Black
WW. Norton USA; Autograph (1997) ‘Roshini Kempadoo’ monograph;
‘Photography in the 1990’s’ - CD-ROM by University
Art Galleries,
Wright State University, USA.
Perspektief Magazine November Issue 1993,The Netherlands.