Simone Aughterlony

SIMONE AUGHTERLONY is an independent artist based and supported in Zurich and Berlin, working predominantly in dance and performance contexts. Over more than decade, Simone she has been devising and producing choreographic works in collaboration with friends, visual artists, musicians, academics and dance artists.

She has collaborated with makers such as Meg Stuart/Damaged Goods, Forced Entertainment and Jorge León, Phil Hayes amongst others.

Together with filmmaker Jorge León, Simone conceived, curated and directed an artistic project on the subject of domestic service that premiered at the Kunstenfestivaldesarts Brussels (2010). In 2015, Jorge and Simone joined again to devise the project Uni * Form which premiered at Zuercher Theater Spektakel and is currently touring in Europe. In the same year, she was awarded the Swiss dance award for outstanding female performer. 

Alongside this she has been touring Supernatural which is a collaboration with artists, Antonija Livingstone and Hahn Rowe as well as the The Biofiction Trilogy in it’s entirety. She is currently collaborating with Jen Rosenblit on the project, Everything Fits In The Room, a commission from HAU Hebbel am Ufer and Haus der Kulturen der Welt.

Simone has most recently been thinking about and engaging with alternative forms of kinship. Inside her process new constellations of family emerge as possibilities for reconfiguring a culture of togetherness that foster both familiar and unknown quantities. Finding affinity with temporalities that facilitate a sensitive and sensual rapport with the materiality of all bodies gives access to forms of intimacy we may not yet recognize. Her works playfully compose with representation and its saturation, seeping into and embracing the phenomenology of mis-recognition and the absurd. Simone approaches the performance genre as a world building practice where she navigates the contradiction between the domination of desire alongside the agency of all elements.