Sophie Lewis

Sophie Lewis (US) is a water-based entity and amateur amniotechnician in Philadelphia. In addition to authoring Full Surrogacy Now, Lewis has translated works including Communism for Kids by Bini Adamczak (MIT, 2016), Unterscheiden und Herrschen by Sabine Hark and Paula-Irene Villa (Verso, 2020), and A Brief History of Feminism by Antje Schrupp (MIT, 2017). She is a member of the Out of the Woods collective, whose first book is to be published by Common Notions in 2019, an editor at Blind Field: A Journal of Cultural Inquiry, and a queer feminist essayist committed to cyborg ecology and anti-fascism. Further writings, on subjects ranging from Donna Haraway to dating, have been published in myriad forums including The New York Times.