Suzana Milevska

Suzana Milevska is a theorist and curator of visual art and culture from Macedonia. Her interests include postcolonial critique of hegemonic power regimes of representation, feminist art and gender theory, participatory and collaborative art practices. She holds a PhDin visual culture from Goldsmiths College London where she taught from 2002 to 2004. In 2004, Milevska was a Fulbright Senior Research Scholar at the Library of Congress. She taught visual culture and gender at the Gender Studies Institute and history and theory of art at the Faculty of Fine Arts – University Ss. Cyril and Methodius of Skopje. In 2010, she published the booksGender Difference in the Balkans and The Renaming Machine, the book that summarised her long-term cross-disciplinary project. In 2012, Milevska received the Igor Zabel Award for Culture and Theory. For 2013–2015, she was appointed as the Endowed Professor for Central and South Eastern European Art Histories at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.