Žigan Krajnčan

ŽIGAN KRAJNČAN (1995) is a dancer, choreographer, performer and singer. Despite his young age, he has collaborated in various projects, including a musical, dance performance, interdisciplinary project, comedy, children’s show, conceptual performances, street performances, film, theatre choreography, music performances … With his dance partner, Gašper Kunšek, he has been developing unique principles of mental and physical communication and connection. He has worked with Matija Ferlin, Maja Delak, Gregor Luštek, Branko Potočan, Matjaž Farič, Sinja Ožbolt, Kaja Janjić, Kristijan Krajnčan, Gramatik, Marko Črnčec, Ivan Mijačević, Matjaž Pograjc, Miha Hočevar, Ivana Djilas, Gašper Tič, Jan Krmelj, etc. His expression through movement is a fusion of many dance techniques that he continually upgrades, searching for new possibilities. He recently returned from China where he spent three weeks studying the principles of classical and traditional Chinese dance as well as martial arts. Kranjčan has won numerous awards in different fields of art: he is a three-time winner of the international OPUS competition, a winner of the European IDO competition in the Electric Boogie category, the winner of various Hip Hop contests, etc.