14. October 2013
14.00 – 18.00
15. October 2013
14.00 – 18.00
16. October 2013
14.00 – 18.00
17. October 2013
14.00 – 18.00
18. October 2013
14.00 – 18.00

Chain Reaction

Let's browse the dreamy corners of our minds and describe a »granny«. We
usually imagine a grey-haired woman, comfortably sitting in the rocking chair,
covered with a thick blanket or kerchief, holding the needles with a half-knitted
scarf. The romantic image of the pile of knitted or chrocheted cardigans,
jumpers, collars, napkins, and other products also means hundreds of hours of
work, usually done by women behind the four walls of their homes. This work
is unpaid, often invisible, and unappreciated.

Only until recently knitting and chrocheting belonged solely to the private
sphere. In the last years, however, a new movement emerged inside the
urban/street art, transforming traditionally female craft into publicly exposed,
therefore seen, street art. Yarnbombing or guerillaknitting is now an established
movement, and we are inviting you to the workshop, in which you are going
to learn different artistic techniques with the yarn. You are also going to
participate in the moulding of an installation, which is going to be exhibited at
the end of the workshop.

The workshops are going to be conducted by Kerry Howarth, a renowned
yarnbomber, and the programme will be very flexible – you can become an
even better needle twister, or you can learn different knitting techniques from
scratch. We will also be knitting chains, which will not serve only as pieces of
decoration, but will be also symbolically connecting the participants of
the workshops. Inter-generational bonds
will also be formed by the exchange of the
knitting tips.

A five-day long group creativity will be
followed by the exhibition opening, which
will transform the central festival venue
(Menza pri koritu) into the public space,
decorated with unique knitted sculptures.
This will make a female, private, and an
intimate craft, public, and turn the assigned
social roles upside down, as the public space
is traditionally understood as the space of
male-defined politics.

Where to apply: bombardiranje.s.prejo@gmail.com

Red Dawns
collaboration with: Menza pri koritu, Klub SOT 24, 5
Supported by:
Education, Audiovisual and Culture
Executive Agency

Workshop fee:
15 eur, 10 eur (students upon submission of
an identity card, persons with disabilities,
unemployed and self-employed in culture),
pensioners voluntary contributions.

More instances

14.00 – 18.00
14.00 – 18.00
14.00 – 18.00
14.00 – 18.00
14.00 – 18.00
Artists and collaborators
Kerry Howarth

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