12. October 2017



A musically rich, structurally and thematically colourful evening of free improvisation. Our guests come from different environments, having travelled different paths to their own improvising techniques, belonging to different generations, contemporary musical moments and most common social situations. Some of them have already performed together, other combinations we shall hear for the first time.

The evening will conclude with the performance of the participants of the workshop VoiceLab conducted during the festival by Ute Wassermann and joined by the vocalist Luisa Tucciariello.


Ute Wassermann
Elisabeth Harnik, Nina Polaschegg
Luisa Tucciariello, Alison Blunt, Hannah Marshall


Ute Wassermann, Elisabeth Harnik, Nina Polaschegg,
Alison Blunt, Hannah Marshall, Elisabeth Harnik
Ute Wassermann z udeleženkami_ci delavnice, Luisa Tucciariello

Tickets: €7 / €5 

The concert is part of the event series FriForma, curated by Nataša Serec, László Juhász and Defonija, curated by Miha Zadnikar. 

Co-production and co-organisation: KUD Mreža / FriForma, City of Women and Club Gromka / Defonija.
Supported by Austrian Cultural Forum.

Artists and collaborators
Ute Wassermann
Hannah Marshall

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