8. October 2006

Cultural Prejudices and Obstacles that Prevent Women to Take a Grater Role in Using Technology in Arts

paper examines the author's experience in projects in which women should have
better access to modern technology. The rigorous prejudices and practises that
some women face in schools, the theatre, as well as various visual and performing
arts is especially emphasised. This text reveals that due to cultural
and other prejudices women are – unless they are encouraged – oppressed and
prevented from enjoying equal access to modern technology in the arts,
universities, schools and other environments. However, women are – in the
author's experience – usually confined to administrative work or branded as
carers. Vedran Vučić believes that such is a reflection of the traditional
divisions of labour within the patriarchies which still predominate in many a
milieu, and that this in turn creates a disbalance in education, science, art
and culture, that causes harm to society.    

Organisation: City of Women
In collaboration with:
Tovarna Rog


Artists and collaborators
Vedran Vučić

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