Diary 012 (Dnevnik 012)
012 / Diary 012 project aims at addressing the issue of stereotypes as
well as those lesser known and suppressed dilemmas that exist in the
parent-child social relationship. Irena Pivka collected and recorded stories
gathered between April 2005 and April 2006 during a year of maternity leave.
The book, produced in fifty copies, is intended to provide parents with the
possibility to co-create a personalised diary. Thus the project, instigated by
the author, continues in the hands of the user. Festival visitors will be able
to buy the diary at a symbolic price.
addition to occasional authorial interventions, Diary 012 is a
collection of notes on discussions about parenthood that constantly arise
between parents and relatives, friends and acquaintances. In gleaning the
material for its creation, Irena Pivka did not conduct actual interviews, and
none of the people she talked to – in the street or park, or during a phone
call or e-mail exchange – knew their words were being recorded. The identity of
these narrators remains a mystery, most stories were published with the
permission of those 'involved', while the statements of coincidental and
unknown persons were also especially adapted for the publication.
is astonishing just how many important issues can be broached during the course
of an informal chat lasting only a few minutes; and some essential dilemmas of
parenthood were brought to the fore by way of such conversations: How to face
the so-called ''established'' system of giving birth. How to deal with the
initial problems caused by an irrevocable change of identity and the strenuous
demands of childcare, and how institutions specialised in this field can help.
Surviving postpartum depression. Picking up a career after maternity leave.
Placing a baby in childcare. Facing the suppressed truths that new parents have
to deal with, as well as society’s attitudes to parents and children… These
anecdotes encompass the intimate experiences of individuals, as well as
thoughts about the role given to parents by society.
they said that all conversations ended up with two subjects which significantly
'labelled' the individual: men spoke about the military, whereas women about
labour. The younger generation no longer engages in conversations about the
Irena Pivka
by: Tanja Mastnak
Organisation: City
of Women
In collaboration with: Slovenski etnografski muzej, Maska