13. October 2010
15.00 – 17.00


A recording by the visual artist Manon de Boer of a dance in which both the dancer and the spectator are challenged to fill in empty spaces.
In Dissonant, Manon de Boer films the dancer Cynthia Loemij who improvises to Eugène Ysaÿe’s 3 Sonatas for Violin, a work for which she has strong memories. The camera’s motion is interrupted by a material element of time, namely the limitation of the length of a three-minute roll of film. While the dance continues, and the sound of it is audible, the screen is black during the one minute that is needed to load the camera.

Concept and Direction: Manon de Boer; Choreography & Dance: Cynthia Loemij; Music: 3 sonatas for violin (sonata n°2, prelude, obsession) by Eugène Ysaÿe; Performed by George van Dam; Camera: Sebastien Koeppel; Sound: Els Viaene, Manon de Boer, Laszlo Umbreit (Atelier Graphoui); Produced by: Auguste Orts; Co-produced by: Vlaams-Nederlands Huis deBuren, Atelier Graphoui, Jan Mot; With the support of the Flanders Audiovisual Fund.

Organisation: City of Women; Co-organisation: Kinodvor.

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