El Llac de les Mosques
Our forties? The good thing about being in your forties is that it
is a good excuse to change your life. To be in a bad mood ‘just
because’ or to go wild, all because of a midlife crisis. Our fifties?
The long awaited menopause. Our sixties? Nicking stuff in the
supermarket without ending up in prison, the trip of a lifetime, and
then the long-awaited retirement. Do we all have the same
uncertainty? When we reach a certain age it is fairly normal and, dare I
say, recommendable to stop and reflect on our lives. I propose a
round-the-world trip with Aphrodite and her rocket-launching breasts,
remote controlled by the Mala Sombra (Bad Shadow) brothers.
I propose an adventure, a round trip, looking forwards and backwards, up and down – I feel sea sick! Sol Picó
Artistic direction, choreography, dancer: Sol Picó; Scenography, décor, actor, maquinist: Joan Manrique; Light designer & technician: Sylvia Kuchinow; Dancer: Valentí Rocamora i Tora; Musicians: direction, saxophon, voice: Mireia Tejero; Drumm, voice: Merce Ros; Guitar, voice: Jordi Pegenaute Ferri; Bass, voice: Joan Rectoret; Sound technician: Stéphane Carteaux; Production, manager: Pia Mazuela; Production,
road manager, stage manager: Daphné Malherbe; Co-producers: Sol Picó
cia de Danza, Mercat de les Flors, Centro Parraga de Murcia; Subsidies
by: INAEM, Ministerio de Cultura - ICIC, Generalitat de Catalunya,
Dpto. de Cultura - ICUB, Ajuntament de Barcelona - Institut Ramon Llull
- AECID, Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperación;
Organization: City of Women; In collaboration with: Kino Šiška Centre
for Urban Culture.
Sol Picó will give a master class on Thursday, 15th October from 10 a.m. until 11.30 a.m. in the Old Power Station – SMEEL. Participation free of charge for classic, contemporary, and show professional dancers. Application at: info@emanat.si until 14th October.
Organization: Emanat Institute; In collaboration with: City of Women and the the Old Power Station (SMEEL).