Gentle Unicorn, photo: Alice Brazzit
Gentle Unicorn, photo: Alice Brazzit
13. October 2021
19.00 – 20.00

Gentle Unicorn

Chiara Bersani
Gentle Unicorn

2018, 45′

12/8 € (ticket reservations and sales at the venue)

I, Chiara Bersani, 98 cm tall, declare myself as being flesh, muscles and bones of the Unicorn. Not knowing its heart, I will try to give it my breath, my eyes. I will collect the image of it; I will make a costume destined to become first armour, then skin. In the dialogue between my form that acts and its form that clothes, we will discover our movements, kisses, greetings, yawns.

Gentle Unicorn is an award-winning solo performance of subtle beauty and intelligence. In it, Chiara Bersani approaches the mythological figure and the current iconography of the unicorn from her own physicality. The artist presents a score of simple movement; the unicorn moves through space while unfolding small gestures that are amplified thanks to the dancer’s interpretative quality, embodying the fantastic creature that reveals itself to us as terribly human.

The performance will be followed by a talk with the artist (in English); moderated by Alja Lobnik

Concept and performance: Chiara Bersani; sound design: F. De Isabella; stage manager: Paolo Tizianel; dramaturgical advice: Luca Poncetta and Gaia Clotilde Chernetih; movement coach: Marta Ciappina; aristic advice: Marco D’Agostin; styling: Elisa Orlandini; producer: Eleonora Cavallo. Production: Associazione Culturale Corpoceleste_C.C.00#; co-production: Santarcangelo Festival (CSC), Centrale FIES, Graner, Carrozzerie | N.o.T., CapoTrave/Kilowatt; organisation: EN-KNAP Productions, City of Women.


Artists and collaborators
Chiara Bersani
Video: Urša Bonelli Potokar

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