6. October 2004

It was a pleasure...(Es hat mich sehr gefreut…)

And the old Emperor said: "Thank you, it's been very nice, it was a
(M. M.) Almost all of her films deal with writing and language,
and with Mattuschka this means attacking the sign systems of language. This is
often done cryptically, or is at least not necessarily as obvious as the manner
in which Mattuschka is accustomed to involving the human body, i.e., her own
body as the character Mimi Minus, whose sensuality marks the ultimate expression
of antitheses to the abstract nature of language. (Sixpack Film (ed.), Austrian
Avantgarde Cinema, 1955-1993, Vienna 1994)

Organisation: City of Women & Kinodvor
In co-operation with: Klub Gromka,
AKC Metelkova mesto
With the support of: Sixpack Film

Artists and collaborators
Mara Mattuschka

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