I want to get married. Where and how can I do it? The two individuals who want to institute
conjugal union apply to the registrar of the administrative district which has jurisdiction over
the place where they wish to marry. In their application the couple should declare that they
are instituting such union of their own volition, and that every legal condition for such has
been fulfilled. The LEGAL BASIS for marriage in Slovenia are Articles 25 and 26 of the Marriage
and Family Relations Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia No.69/04). SUPPLEMENTS
TO THE APPLICATION: Copy of the register issued no more than 6 months prior to
the wedding (for individuals who were not born in the territory of the Republic of Slovenia);
upon application, information as to the witnesses must be stated (name and surname, and
address); and in the event of encumbrance due to minority or blood relationship a permit issued
by the competent Social Care Centre. INFORMATION ACQUIRED BY THE REGISTRAR: Verifies
the personal information from the pertinent registers if the person was born in the Republic of
Slovenia. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: In addition to the copy from the register (issued on the
basis of international conventions or certified in compliance with the Act on Verification of
Documents in International Traffic), foreign citizens must enclose: certificate of unmarried
state; certificate of the country of which the individual is a citizen that there are no hindrances
to the institution of the conjugal union, evidence of citizenship (certificate or passport).
The Law enforces marriage: wedding ceremony by kitch tm
A real wedding is one and at the same time a performance,
a happening as well as pure marketing. Within the
pompous concept of wedding, marriage becomes a parable
of kitsch. The so-called turning point in the life of a
woman or man is made banal to the extreme, a notorious
media event, and a reality show intent on satisfying
the need for spectacle.
The kitchtm artists - who actually get married – become
parables of the dream woman and the dream man. Did
one marry the other for money? What will the wedding
dress look like, and what about the wedding ring? Who
shall catch the bride’s bouquet? It will be surprisingly
glamorous! This time, the usually intimate wedding ceremony
is open to the general public. You are most welcome
to join and enhance the innocent pre-wedding and
raunchy pot-wedding atmosphere!
We reflect the post-post-modern state of exile, demystify
wedding ceremonies, play with sexual orientations, and
examine the political implications of the act of wedlock.
This is not a marriage in the name of love, but exclusively
of convenience! A kitsch wedding happens because the
law enforces marriage and because people like kitsch.
kitch is a brand that performs as both an artistic group
as well as individual artists. During 1999 and 2000
kitchtm labelled and priced parts of a human body under
its own trademark, and documented a sales strategy in a
text entitled Art is Merchandise (2003). The conceptual
trading of parts of the human body is the first and original
example of this type of artistic-theoretical work. In
2004, and as part of the kitsch project, kitchtm officially
declared water, oil and human blood as merchandisable
under the kitchtm brand. Three iconic fluids were promoted
to the level of fetish,
and by way of a universal
contemporary marker – the
brand – officially declared
as kitsch. Kitchtm has presented
its projects in
Ljubljana, Maribor,
Helsinki, Belgrade, Alcoy,
Chicago, Graz, as well as
on the web.
“With a strong public note
... kitch projects intervene
in the commonplace, toy
with a new economy and
indulge in artistically encoded
manipulation with a
well-considered interactive approach” Expert
Committee for Intermedia Art (MzK)
Marlenna, Daphne and Emperatrizz are divas of the Slovenian media scene, top of
the pops and the creme de la creme of Slovenian music. Famously distinguished by
their glamour, extravagance and humour, Sestre represented Slovenia in the 2002
Eurovision Song Contest.
MEM Couture
MEM Couture
Is this the return of a fashion that we nearly forgot to long for, or perhaps one which hasn’t even begun in these
lands? Surrealistic, supernatural and i-real. MEM Couture are spicily Parisienne.
DJ k u r o k o
From wild guitars to high-spirited strings with exotic touches, together with electronic subtypes with traditional DJtinges,
DJ k u r o k o has, by way of CD and LP knits, been a contagiously easy spinning multi-genre knitwear for a
MM Checkman
Although he draws from a variety of backgrounds, MM Checkman is a music mixer who provides sounds with an identical
cutting edge, bringing people to their feet in smoky clubs as well as airy festivals since 1996. The breaker of
time records in spinning and the record holder of average jumps per dancer, MM Checkman was driven out of the first
underground club due to his thunderous spinning.
Special guests: Music trio Sestre & MM Checkman
Costumes: MEM Couture
Wedding rings designer: Olga Košica
With: DJ k u r o k o & MM Checkman
Organisation: kitchtm
In collaboration with: City of Women
With the support of: Zvezda, confectionery; Valdhuber (wine); City Hotel Ljubljana