4. October 2013
13.00 – 17.00
5. October 2013
8.00 – 12.00

Rare Parity

Rare Parity is a durational, task-oriented performance
that uses foreign currency as its primary material. Over the course of several
hours the money is washed, dried, repainted and reconfigured. It can be
presentational or have a relational component, or possibly a combination of the
two, depending on the performance situation. The work takes a look at our
(willing/unwilling) complicity in the economic fabric of our communities and
our inextricable links to each other. Recent global economic uncertainty
demonstrates how vulnerable we are to the policies and decisions of others and
how fragile economies affect our lives. (Tanya Mars)

City of Women.
Supported by: Canada
Council for the Arts.



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13.00 – 17.00
8.00 – 12.00
Artists and collaborators
Tanya Mars

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