5. - 13. October 2017

Residence & Reflection

Denmark - United Kingdom - Slovenia
Residence and reflection

Emma Møller and Mary Osborn are two producers and curators who have come together to create a new international curatorial collaboration. At its heart, their project asks how we can strengthen international collaboration in the arts as an act of activism to broaden cultural understanding. They are interested in creating platforms for radical and alternative voices to be heard, questioning structures of oppression that are placed on the body, and making space for critical empathy through performance.

The residency at the City of Women is an opportunity to research and explore international performance practices that specifically address body and gender politics, reflect on independent festival models, and connect with a network of South-East European artists, producers and organisations. During the residency, Emma and Mary will be researching and developing their new project, Bodies Beyond Borders, which will launch in Copenhagen in November 2017, with future projects taking place in 2018. They will create a reflection on their research that will be shared on the City of Women web page.


The project and residence is supported and made possible by the City of Women, the Arts Council England, British Council’s Artist International Development Fund, and the Danish Arts Foundation.

Artists and collaborators
Mary Osborn

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