Unhappily Being Happy
The air around me bent a little to avoid her touching it. I’m lying on my back and thinking about what the meaning behind little children with balloons wrapped around their heads is. I can no longer let myself get so involved and be so detached at the same time. I need so much breathing space around other people and almost none when I'm with you. Erase and rewind or just fast-forward? Which way should I bend my heart?
The sweetness of our moments together seems to become a stale buttery thing forgotten at the back of the fridge. It’s becoming moldy and dry. My emotions overcome me and I am constantly reminded about the times when I was growing up. I had innocence in my eyes, but not the innocence of a child, but of a full person refusing to see the world as a playground for heartbreaks. (Nina Vidrih)
Organisation: City of Women; In collaboration with: Škuc Gallery; Archives of the Republic of Slovenia.