21. October 1996

The Voice of the Sami

The Sami live in northern Norway,
Sweden and Finland, preserving their own
language and culture, which are related to those of other Arctic peoples. One
of the most prominent representatives and promoters of Sami culture is Mari
Boine (°1956).The first music she was exposed to was the psalm singing of the
pietistic Christian “Laestadian” movement. Their song tradition is comparable
to that of Negro spirituals. But this is just one of her sources of
inspiration. Although the “joik” (an improvised and highly personal Sami-style
of singing) greatly influenced her, her music is not traditional. It is blended
with contemporary music-forms such as jazz, rock and the sounds of other
cultures. Mari Boine’s concerts are dominated by her strong and urgent voice,
plus some carefully selected instruments from peoples from around the world.
The combination of voice and drum goes back to ancient Sami culture and
pre-Christian shamanism. Mari Boine: “I used to think men oppressing women or
governments realised what they were doing and were just cynical. But then I
realised that often they are unaware and are filled with fear. I feel I have to
find my way to their hearts to let them know what they are doing. It’s the only
way to change things. That’s why I feel my music is important. (...) I think
your voice is a mirror of your soul and how you feel inside. (...) Western
culture creates a distance between you and your body or heart. In Sami culture
you think of everything as a whole”. Unquestionably the concert by Mari Boine
will be one of the highlights of the City of Women-festival.

Accompanied by Roger Ludvigsen (guitar); Carlos Quispe
(flute and charango); Hege Rimestad (violin); Gjermund Silset (bass guitar and percussion); Anders Engen (percussion)

The concert is organised by Druga godba
In coproduction with Mesto
žensk/ City of Women


Artists and collaborators
Mari Boine

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