26. October 1996

Women of the XX Century

Participants: Dr. Neva Šlibar, Alenka Koron, Suzana Koncut
Moderator: Darja Pavlič

The Cankarjeva publishing house can now present the latest volumes in
the 20th Century Collection, including ‘The Golden Fruits’ (Les Fruits d’Or,
1963) by Nathalie Sarraute, ‘The Golden Notebook’, 1962, by Doris Lessing, and
‘The Lovers’ (Die Liebhaberinnen, 1995) by Elfriede Jelinek.
The Romanesque work of Nathalie Sarraute can be seen as a literary
account of the aesthetic and technical problems which stand in the way of the
writing process or the creation of art in general. When ‘The Golden Fruits’
received the International Award for Literature in 1964, reviewers declared it
‘a real celebration of the human intellect’, and now it can finally be
celebrated in Slovene. If we open ‘The Golden Notebook’ by Doris Lessing, we
can peek into the British moral and intellectual climate of the mid-century,
into a work which, when published, was understood as a kind of a treatise on
the war between the  sexes. The youngest
of ‘the women of the 20th century’ is the controversial Elfriede Jelinek, who
successfully  ruffles Austrian public
opinion, which she could not avoid doing even when ‘The Lovers’ was published.
Alongside a presentation of the Slovene translations,  Dr. Neva Šlibar, Alenka Koron and Suzana
Koncut will share their thoughts on three authors who have left their mark on
the 20th century.

In collaboration with: Cankarjeva založba

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