The Story of the Fallen Hero
“... a small jewel ..., excellent visual apparition ..., graceful and
touching ..., a multiform interpretation ..., a perfume and a taste of
storytelling not easy to find in theatre .. “
(Leggere Donna, Italy)
A thrilling journey through the choppy seas of ancient Greek mythology,
retracing the paths of Jason, the hero, in his search for the golden fleece and
his fatal meeting with Medea. On the small stage a single actress and her
mobile miniature theatre. Using a rich vocabulary of gestures and fascinating
transformations into different characters, she gives us a new version of the
old myth, seen through the naive eyes of the little servant of the Olympians.
From the balcony of Olympus the Greek
goddesses enjoy themselves by pulling on the thin threads of the handsome
hero’s destiny. The hero, as usual, has to find a treasure, kill a dragon and
marry a princess. The little servant dreams of a great overwhelming love and decides
to join the heroes on their exciting adventures. A journey away from young
innocence to another kingdom, where we all face the dragon alone. A fusion
between storytelling and visual theatre, full of humour, drama and tragedy.
Idea, script, directed by: Guandaline Sagliocco & Gerd Christiansen;
Performed by: Guandaline Sagliocco; Scenography: Hakan Islinger, Gerd
Christiansen; Production: Guandaline Sagliocco & Inside the Image;
Co-production: Grenland Friteater
Supported by: Apexchanges
In collaboration with
Cankarjev dom