20. October 1996

Medeas: Myth,overshadowed by ritual, archetypal, and cultural frustrations

The Medea theme, infanticide, has been one of the least favoured in
feminist discussions. The accumulated archetypal, ritual, cultural
frustrations, interdictions, censorship and fears have overshadowed the problem
which was boldly captured by Euripides almost thirteen centuries ago. Women and
motherhood, fatherhood, marriage, and their most painful sides will be
re-examined, narrated and questioned in round-table discussion by Françoise
Frontisi-Ducroux, Katarina Kolozova, Guandaline Sagliocco and Svetlana Slapšak.
Françoise Frontisi-Ducroux is professor at the Coll`ege de France,
director at the Centre Louis Gernet (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences
Sociales) in Paris, and also co-director of the Anthropology of the Ancient
World program at the ISH, Ljubljana. Katarina Kolozova is a young academic from
Skopje. She has
translated Euripides’ ‘Medea’ into Macedonian and written about the play. The
French performer Guandaline Sagliocco currently lives and works in Norway. The day
before the round-table discussion she will present “The Story of the Fallen
Hero”, a solo performance based on ‘Medea’. Svetlana Slapšak is co-director of
the Anthropology of the Ancient World program, and co-ordinator of the Gender
Studies program at the ISH, Ljubljana.

Participants: dr. Françoise Frontisi-Ducroux, Katarina Kolozova, Guandaline Sagliocco; Moderator: dr. Svetlana Slapšak

Supported by: Centre Culturel Français Ljubljana;
Zavod za odprto družbo/ Open Society Institute - Slovenia;
the Ministry of Culture of the Republic
of Macedonia; Apexchanges