Wonderful Ruins
Story-telling does not necessarily imply words. We all know that you
can often tell by someone’s expression or gestures much more than words can
express. In this sense, dance goes beyond the spoken word. It explores and
cultivates the language of the body, its rhythms, forms and styles, its spatial
characteristics and tensions. Choreography provokes narrative through arranging
bodies in space and in time. In dance, the story is written on the body.
In her latest choreography the Slovene choreographer Sinja Ožbolt asks
herself why we should speak, or why should we dance, if we assume that
everything has already been said. But in one and the same breath she remarks
that a lot has been concealed and unspoken, so why should we remain silent?
Oppositions and dichotomies are part of the narrative of the “old
world”. Nowadays, paradoxes and hybrids are the only metaphors able to capture
some of the complexity of the world we live in. Ožbolt’s story without words
questions and deconstructs some of the “traditional pairs”.
Choreography: Sinja Ožbolt; dancers: Rosana Hribar, Dominika Kacin,
Sabina Potočki, Igor Sviderski, Uršula Teržan; scenography: Alen Ožbolt;
music: Mario Marolt, W.A. Mozart; costumography: Barbara Stupica; lighting: Andrej Hajdinjak; project leader: Živa Brecelj; production: Plesni Teater
Ljubljana; Supported by Ministrstvo za kulturo RS with help of City of Ljubljana, Culture department
In collaboration with Plesni Teater Ljubljana