Valentina Čabro
Valentina Cabro is a dancer and choreographer and mother of three young children, who started dancing before she even became aware of it. She spent her childhood in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Germany, and her school years at academies in Essen, Montpellier, Hamburg and Rotterdam. In 1996 she came to Slovenia - she danced, enchanted and stayed. In 1998 she conceived and performed a solo performance, Exah, at Ljubljana Dance Theatre for which she received an award for the best show at the PUF international festival. In the same year she performed G.U.I.D. - Summer and Autumn, the first part of the four season cycle. In the following years she collaborated in and realised many performances, among them Ker sem zamudila barve / Cause I Was Too Late for Colours (2001); an installation piece Red Light District (2003) and a solo Pepelastina (2004).