You will have the opportunity to meet Helena Klakočar
at and after the opening of her retrospective exhibition in the gallery of
Mednarodni grafični likovni center (the International Graphic Centre). On
Friday, October 6th, Helena will demonstrate in theory and practice how she
creates her comic stories. This will be followed by an interview with the
artist. Apart from her comics and graphics, you will also have the opportunity
to see her animated films.
Comic artists are not very common in these parts, which is why Helena
Klakočar will conduct a workshop for all beginners who would like to seriously
engage in comic storytelling. The title and the theme of the workshop is
"Comic Diary". To make the workshop as serious as possible, we have
split it into two timeslots (and a weekend in between) and limited it to 10
participants only. We guarantee you creative fun. All you have to do is simply
apply on time (when applying, please include a portfolio of your selected
drawings, if you have done any drawing already) and bring drawing materials
with you.
Saturday morning will be dedicated to comic making for children aged 8
to 12 (exceptions accepted). The title of the workshop is "From Play to
Newspaper". At the workshop you will have the opportunity to learn the
whole process of comic making (from the idea to making a script, from
translating the comic into English to drawing it by using different techniques
and sending it to the publisher).
Both workshops have a limited number of participants. There is no
admission fee, but prior application is required. The application date is
Saturday, September 30th. Applications will be accepted at the office of the
City of Women at 4 Kersnikova St., or by phone (01 4381580), fax (01 4381585)
or e-mail (info@cityofwomen-a.si).