Anke Feuchtenberger
Anke Feuchtenberger was born in the East Berlin, where she studied graphics at the
Kunsthochschule. She makes illustrations and comics in a very recognisable
style, drawing naked, mostly female, childlike creatures with huge heads, who
usually wander through dreamlike landscapes. Her fantastically haunting stories
are a mixture of nightmare and fairy tale. Her first book, Herzhaft —
lebenslänglich, appeared in 1993, and she has produced a new book almost every
year since, two of which, Die Hure H (1996) and Die kleine Dame (1997), were
made in collaboration with storyteller Katrin de Vries. Her other works are
Mutterkuchen (1995), Somnambule (1998), Die Biographie der Frau Trockenthal
(1999), Der Palast (1999) and Das Haus (2001). Most of these were published by
the German publishers Jochen Enterprises and Reprodukt (with two French
editions by L’Association; the only English publication is W the Whore by the
Belgian Bries). Recently, she collaborated with the Israeli collective Actus
Tragicus on a graphic novel The Crossing, which appeared in the book Happy End,
and co-edited the female only comics anthology Echolot. Feuchtenbergerowa, as
she likes to call herself, has had many exhibitions throughout Europe and in
New York. Once a month she illustrates essays for the Frankfurter Allgemeine
Zeitung, and when she finds some spare time, away from her picture-stories, she
produces graphic art and works on her first animation film. Since 1997, she has
been a professor of art at the Fachhochschule für Gestaltung in Hamburg, where
she also works and lives.