9. - 11. October 2002

Biotechnology, Philosophy and Sex

This international conference/symposium is dedicated to the
philosophical and interdisciplinary (artistic, cultural, political)
re-consideration of science and technology, biochips and organs, what is male
and what is female (trans-sexuality). The development of various kinds of
spatial observation in connection with certain forms of human perception is
tending toward the erasure of the duality of body and mind. The relationship
between the body, the machine, the sexual, and the prosthetic opens an array of
epistemological and philosophical questions. Today within new media
technologies we observe a process that fosters disembodiment, raising crucial
questions about the politics of representation and the semiotics of
articulating alternative bodies in alternative spaces. No less important is the
need to further re-examine the implications involved with specific
representational strategies that target the human body, the development of
systems and paradigms, and the structures and matrices of representations of
bodies defined by history, gender, and class.
(Marina Gržinic, Maria Klonaris
and Katerina Thomadaki)

Thursday, 10th, 20.00
Slovenska kinoteka, Miklošiceva 28, Ljubljana
Homage to Sandra
Lahire (1950-2001)

Trilogija Sylvia
Lady Lazarus (1991), Night Dances (1995), Johnny Panic
curated by; Maria Klonaris & Katerina Thomadaki

Friday, 11th, 14.00
Klub Cankarjev dom, Prešernova 10, Ljubljana
14.00: welcoming remarks: Marina Gržinic
14.15: Caroline
Stretching Before and After (The Body of
15.00: Marie-Luise Angerer:
The Body Bytes Back
15.45: Karin Spaink:
Cyborgs: Beyond Dichotomies
17.00: Maria Klonaris
& Katerina Thomadaki: Dissident Bodies in the Digital Era
17.45: Marie-José
: Figures of Otherness and Difference in the Work of
Klonaris and Thomadaki

Friday, 11th, 20.00
Slovenska kinoteka, Miklošiceva 28, Ljubljana
by: Maria Klonaris, Katerina Thomadaki
L'Ange Amazonien. Un
portrait de Lena Vandrey

Francija, 1992, 16mm, 92 min.

Saturday, 12th, 15.00
Galerija Kapelica, Kersnikova 4, Ljubljana
15.00: Marina Gržinic:
15.45: Amelia
: Flâneurial Bodies: Reciprocal Mappings of the Artist
and Urban Space
17.00: Claudia Reiche: The Visible Human Project:
Accessing an Obscene Image Body
17.45: Jackie Stacey: Imitation of Life:
Homoeroticism and the New Genetics in the Cinema

18.30: Sarah
Dolly’s Body: Gender, Genetics and the New Genetic

Concept: Marina Gržinic, Maria Klonaris, Katerina Thomadaki; production: Maska,
Emil Hrvatin (within the Seminar for Contemporary Performing Arts and in
collaboration with Cankarjev Dom); partners: Mesto žensk, CNVOS, Gallery
Kapelica, Slovenska kinoteka, Cankarjev dom, ZRC SAZU (dr. Oto Luthar,
direktor), FI ZRC SAZU, L’Institut Français Charles Nodier, Ljubljana (Bernard
Micaud, Director), AFAA (Paris), Ministry of Education, Science and Sports of
the Republic of Slovenia, The Embassy of the Netherlands (Ljubljana).