Virus by Sub Rosa
A virus is an unfamiliar code wrapped in a familiar form. It
spreads successfully through the body because the body mistakes it for one of
its own. The unfamiliar code competes for command of the body. If it wins it
turns the body into a factory to make more viruses.
Sub Rosa is an interdisciplinary performance group dedicated
to creating one-to-one performances on location.
Amsterdam-born Aniek Boon is a visual artist and
performer. She studied at the Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam, the School
of Visual Theatre in Jerusalem and the Chrysalis Theatre School in
London. Aniek works in a variety of fields-she makes video work (which has been
shown, amongst other places, at the Rotterdam Film Festival) and
installations (Paviljoens, Almere), designs sets for television and
theatre (Credit Card Called Life), and performs (Oraculos, Holland
Annemarie Kalma studied film at Utrecht University.
After graduating, she worked for several film-production companies as a
project-developer and script editor. In 2001, she and Nataša Lušetič founded Sub
Rosa, a performance group dedicated to the creation of interactive
performance situations on location.
Oct. 12-15: Agnes - mobile confessional - on the streets of Ljubljana:
Oct. 17, 20.00: Opening of the exhibition: Mala Galerija
Opening time: Oct. 17-19, 10.00 - 18.00
Concept, direction, performance: Nataša Lušetić
Visuals, performance: Aniek Boon
Dramaturgy: Annemarie Kalma
Ljubljana team collaborators: Karin Komljanec, Lotos Vincenc Šparovec, Zoran
Živulović, Srečko Meh, Jure Vlahovič
Production and organisation in Ljubljana: City of Women
In co-operation with: Urban Festival, Zagreb; Moderna galerija Ljubljana
With the support of: Radio Študent